Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

my cita-cita

since childhood I have had the goal - goal, each and everyone surely had the goal - goal. I have the mapping for the goal of - my goal. I have the goal - goal become a nurse in a hospital.
To be and I to do, is as follows :
. 1) learn impetously - impetous [of] him, so that deflect to enter akper 2) continue education of education storey;level hereinafter 3) in sma take the majors ipa.
Barrier resistance or, I to meet I will face with surrenderness, and tawakal whilst also try. Possibly resistance I to meet as follows :
. 1) ketidak ready to brain 2) indolence to permeate the science 3) fatigue in learning 4) don't understand in something Iesson 5) saturation is in practice
Goal - my goal will the presentation of in a moment wait in morrow day, after I finish stady.

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